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Alcohol Rehab

Alcohol Rehabilitation

Alcohol rehab is a name given to a treatment facility where people can stay to try and overcome their alcohol addiction or dependency. These residential treatment facilities teach people the skills to abstain from alcohol as well as other kinds of mood altering substances. The rehabs will also often treat various forms of drug abuse such as prescription drugs and recreational drugs.

Alcoholism is actually a chronic disease where the mind and body become dependent on alcohol. There are signs to watch out for that indicate alcohol abuse in a person. Alcoholism will always give the impression that a person has to have alcohol in their system so as to be able to function normally throughout any day, as well as having the incapacity to actually control the amount consumed. Irrespective of how the drinking could seriously damage the important factors in a person’s life, for example relationships, health, work, finances and safety, a person can feel overpowered by their tendencies to drink. When confronted, most people will be quick to deny any alcohol abuse and will try to cover up their drinking problems.

Signs to watch out for when abusing alcohol:
  • The person feels a strong need for alcohol
  • The person cannot control how much alcohol they drink
  • The person makes it a ritual to drink at certain times of the day: this could be before bed, before and/or during and/or after dinner, and before and/or after work
  • A person becomes irritated when their drinking rituals are interrupted or whenever there is no alcohol around
  • A person becomes irritated when they are questioned about how much they are drinking or about their drinking habits
  • A person drinks in secret
  • A person often drinks alone
  • A person will hide the alcohol around their house, at work, in the car or in the garage
  • A person loses interest in hobbies or social activities that they once enjoyed
  • Not remembering or becoming forgetful with regards dates or conversations
  • A person will intentionally drink in excess to become inebriated to feel ‘normal’ or ‘good’
  • Developing alcohol tolerance and needing to increase how much is consumed so as to be intoxicated
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when not able to drink, such as nausea, sweating and shaking
  • Showing minimal concern or emotion when faced with tough issues or adversity that involve relationships, financial troubles, legal problems or problems in the workplace
Alcoholism is a disease, and not something that is done by choice. This disease however, is treatable. A person who feels that they have an alcohol problem should go for professional counselling as well as medical treatment that is prescribed by their physician. They should also commit themselves to therapy or an alcoholic support group.

There are certain resources out there which can help abusers of alcohol feel less ashamed or afraid and more confident with seeking help. Possibly the most well known resource is Alcoholics Anonymous. This support group helps support alcoholics on a communal basis to overcome their reliance on alcohol. These alcohol rehabs engage the patients in group and also individual therapy, family therapy session, educational training, participation in various support groups, monitoring by qualified medical physicians, recreational and work activities, and of course abstinence. These residential programmes will help a person suffering from the effects of alcohol through detoxification, psychiatric, psychological and medical treatment, experiences from withdrawal, acceptance of abstinence, prescription drug treatments, and continual support.

The First Step in Alcohol Rehabilitation

Alcohol rehab centres have the resources that are required for helping with the mental, physical and behavioural issues that are directly linked to alcohol. When alcohol starts affecting the normal day-to-day living activities then it is time for a person to seek some help. Knowing that they are experiencing a problem with abusing or using alcohol is the first giant step in receiving the proper help and treatment from a rehab facility.

Most rehab centres will evaluate and help the alcoholic get back to functioning normally in society. A person can choose to go to an alcohol rehab on a voluntary basis or because the rehab has been legally required due to a court order.

Different Alcohol Rehabs

Alcohol rehabs include residential treatment centres, hospital outpatient programmes, and hospital inpatient centres. The residential treatment facilities are comparable to a home or live-in environment. These centres have individual rooms that are similar to apartments and will offer 24-hour assistance from psychologists and medical doctors.

A hospital in-patient centre is for the more aggressive type of alcoholism. If a patient has to have 24-hour medical care to detox, this unit will supply the person with treatments and intravenous medications that they cannot get at a residential treatment centre or even at a traditional outpatient treatment programme.

An outpatient programme is designed for a person who is in the process of recovery or is worried that they might relapse. They can get the emotional and moral support that they need and still be integrated in society.

Allowing the Recovery Process to Start

The first steps at any alcohol rehab are to detoxify the body of any alcohol. The biggest hurdle for any patient is to get over the craving for alcohol itself. Behavioural and cognitive therapy as well as group therapy will often be utilized in helping a patient work through emotional triggers and underlying issues that could spiral them back to the realm of drinking. Just by a person committing themselves to an alcohol rehab treatment centre will allow their recovery process to start.

Once the patient has completed their detoxing there will still be emotions and cravings that they must face. A treatment centre will help them find other alternatives for feeding those cravings such as talking about their feelings with another alcoholic, journaling or exercise.

Many alcohol rehab centres will offer the patient on-going treatments. This is essential for some with regards their recovery process. Some of the centres might offer sober living houses that patients could move into when they are finished with their treatment. Within this kind of environment the patient benefits from support and structure while communicating and working with family, friends and society.

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